BoundImportDirectory | Class that handles the BoundImport directory |
ComHeaderDirectory | Class that handles the COM+ descriptor directory |
DebugDirectory | Class that handles the Debug directory |
ExportDirectory | Class that handles the export directory |
fixNumberOfEntries | Unspecialized function that's used as base template for the specialized versions below |
fixNumberOfEntries< dword > | Fixes NumberOfIdEntries value of a node |
fixNumberOfEntries< std::string > | Fixes NumberOfNamedEntries value of a node |
IatDirectory | Class that handles the Import Address Table (IAT) |
ImportDirectory | Class that handles import directories |
MzHeader | Class that handles the MZ header of files |
PeFile | |
PeFile32 | |
PeFile64 | |
PeFileT | |
PeFileVisitor | |
PeHeaderT | Class that handles the PE header of files |
RelocationsDirectory | Class that handles the relocations directory |
ResComparer | Auxiliary functor which is used to search through the resource tree |
ResComparer< dword > | Auxiliary functor which is used to search through the resource tree |
ResComparer< std::string > | Auxiliary functor which is used to search through the resource tree |
ResourceChild | The class ResourceChild is used to store information about a resource node |
ResourceDirectory | Class that represents the resource directory of a PE file |
ResourceElement | |
ResourceLeaf | ResourceLeafs represent the leafs of the resource tree: The actual resources |
ResourceNode | ResourceNodes represent the nodes in the resource tree |
TlsDirectory | Class that handles the TLS directory |